Act Normal: Write Numbers Neatly

If you're looking for simple ways to improve your scoring, I have two surprising tips that have nothing to do with math. But trust me, ignoring these tips will only make things harder for you. You don't want to make it even more difficult, do you?

Tip 1: Write Neatly

Make it easy for yourself: write clearly and legibly. This not only helps you keep track of the scores accurately but also makes it easier for the players to understand the scores. Ask yourself, what's easier to read: neat writing or scribbles?

By writing neatly, you also reduce the chance of errors caused by illegible handwriting and avoid misunderstandings.

Mooi geschreven vs lelijk geschreven scorebord

Tip 2: Use Numbers, Not Symbols

During tournaments, you often see symbols used for scores:

  • A “T” stands for 40 (Tops).
  • A tick mark means 100.
  • A tick mark with a 40 above means 140.
  • A dash indicates 0 (e.g., 4-- = 400, and in rare cases, even 3- for 30 and 2-5 for 205).

Rare symbolen op een darts scorebord

My advice: while it looks impressively cool, don't do this yourself! Make it easy for yourself (and the players) by sticking to simple numbers. These are clear for everyone and avoid misunderstandings. Plus, you won't have to strain yourself remembering or using special symbols.

At the Professional Darts Corporation (PDC), it is even mandatory for scorers to write all scores out fully, such as "100". This promotes clarity and precision.

As mentioned, these are two simple tips that have nothing to do with math, but respecting them will make your life a lot easier. Good luck!

Want to do it yourself?

Darts Scoring Made Easy

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